Watch now: interview with professor Durante 🎬

It’s not everyday you get the chance to interview a medical authority within your company’s own four walls. We had the honor and privilege of hosting an exclusive interview with Professor Corrado M. Durante.

Watch the interview here.

Professor Durante is a lecturer in Wound Care at the University of Rome. He has seen all kind of combat and traumatic wounds during his career as a Brigadier General in the Italian Army. And he does not lack a strong opinion about scar treatment.

In the interview, he shares his vision on the future of scar treatment and the role of silicone scar sheets and silicone gels. He also discusses case reports. The interview lasts 45 minutes.

“The surgeon’s work does not end after the last stitch has been placed. Much more needs to be done in patient management post-surgery. From the moment the patient leaves the operating room and the healing of the scar starts. That is the way to treat scar formation in time and to keep psychological complaints in check.” – Professor Durante

Watch the interview here.